You are personally invited to attend our event

I am personally inviting you to a private event to introduce Liposonix™, the most exciting innovation in fat reduction in the marketplace. I am one of the few physicians in the North Florida area to offer this incredible service to my patients and can't wait to tell you more about it. It is truly amazing and the results are outstanding.
There has been extensive research in this device that uses high intensity focused ultrasound to “melt away the fat.” This device works by heating and destroying the fat cells. Your body’s natural processes will safely eliminate the excessive fat without any changes to your lab values.
Unlike other devices claiming fat reduction, Liposonix™ will actually target deep enough into the fat layer (1.3 cm) to target the unwanted fat deposits. Other devices cannot go deep enough and will only cause skin tightening or temporary fat reduction with multiple treatments. Liposonix™ will cause permanent fat reduction of 1 inch or one pant size in 1 hour with 1 treatment. (Additional treatments can be done if you wish for more results.) I know because I personally had it done!! No more complaining about tight pants and waistline bulges. I will be happy to show you my before and after photos and share more information with you.
Please join me in an informational session on this highly effective device for fat reduction. This session will be on Thursday, November 21st, at 6:00 PM at our office. Information on Ultherapy™, a non-surgical facial and neck lifting procedure, will also be presented. A 20% introductory discount will be offered for the procedures at the event. Light refreshments and wine will be served. You are invited to bring any family, friends or co-workers who may also be interested. Please RSVP at 904-880-0622 or contact Susan at [email protected].
I look forward to seeing you!
Dr. Mary Pentel